The 12 Verb Tenses

The 12 Verb Tenses
Gramatica Inglesa


     The 12 Verb Tenses

Os tempos verbais são usados para expressar ações que ocorreram no passado, presente e futuro. Identificar o tempo correto do verbo é igualmente importante para obter uma comunicação eficaz. Os tempos verbais determinam quando a ação acontece, seja no passado, presente ou futuro. Esses três são os tempos principais e cada um é dividido em quatro aspectos: Simples, Contínuo, Perfeito e Continuo Perfeito.

  • Simple present..................................She writes every day.
  • Present Continuous.........................She is writing right now.
  • Simple past........................................She wrote last night.
  • Past progressive Continuous........She was writing when he called.
  • Simple future ....................................She will write tomorrow.
  • Future progressive Continuous....She will be writing when you arrive.
  • Present perfect .................................She has written Chapter 1.
  • Present perfect Continuous ..........She has been writing for 2 hours.
  • Past perfect .......................................She had written Chapter 3 before she started Chapter 4.
  • Past perfect Continuous ................She had been writing for 2 hours before her friends arrived.
  • Future perfect ...................................She will have written Chapter 4 before she writes Chapter 5.
  • Future perfect Continuous ............She will have been writing for 2 hours by the time her friends come over.

enlightenedQue tal agora você praticar criando sentenças usando os 12 Verb Tenses? Pense em ações que você faz no dia a dia, assim fica bem fácil

surprise DO YOU KNOW?   What are The Verb Tenses that you should learn in each Level?

Here is The Verb Tenses list that you will learn in each Level at Sonconversation English Course: 

Level: Beginner/Elementary

Tense: Simple Present

 I study English every day.

Used for an action that happens regularly or permanently.

Tense: Simple past

Two years ago, I studied English in England.

Used for an action that has ended at a specific time.

Tense: Simple Future

I will help you study English.

Indicates an action that will occur in the future.

Tense: Present Continuous 

I am studying English now.

Indicates an action that is still occurring.

Level: Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate

Past Continuous

I was studying English when you called yesterday.

Indicates a past action/event that was still occurring at the time of another past event.

Level: Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate

Tense: Future Continuous

I will be studying English when you arrive tonight.

Indicates a future action/event that will still be occurring at the time of another event.

Level: Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate

Tense: Present Perfect

I have studied English in several different countries.

Indicates an action that has recently ended or that began in the past and is continuing into the present. No specific time.

Level: Intermediate

Tense: Past Perfect 

I had studied a little English before I moved to the U.S.

When writing about two events that occurred in the past, use the past perfect tense to indicate the event that occurred first.

Level: Intermediate

Tense: Future Perfect 

I will have studied every tense by the time I finish this course.

Used to indicate a future event that will have occurred before another future event.

Level: Intermediate

Tense: Present Perfect Continuous

I have been studying English for five years.

Indicates action that started in the past and has continued up until now.

Level: Intermediate/Higher Intermediate

Tense: Past Perfect Continuous

I had been studying English for five years before I moved to the U.S.

Indicates an action that started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.

Level: Intermediate/Higher Intermediate

Tense: Future Perfect Continuous 

I will have been studying English for over two hours by the time you arrive.

Indicates an action that started in the past and  will continue up until another future event.

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